Saturday, April 08, 2006

Welcome to the Vermont Gardener

It's a blustery day here on the hill above Peacham Pond. It's still too cold to get outside to work in the gardens but it's a good time to begin The Vermont Gardener. Here at Vermont Flower Farm, flowers are our specialty. We've been growing flowers since the early 80's and although our interests have changed over the years, we have arrived at an outstanding collection of astilbes, daylilies, lilium and hostas plus some great shade plants. During the evolution of this blog, we'll post pictures of how the gardens develop and the varieties grow. Chances are good that you'll be interested and want to keep coming back.

We hope that as you visit and exchange thoughts, questions and pictures with us, you'll get a sense of gardening in Vermont, the people who visit us here and the gardens that interest us. One of our fondest and most popular gardens is a shade garden built within the granite and fieldstone walls of an old barn foundation. We left the wildflowers we found growing there as design anchors to the plants we added. Now, as this particular garden enters it's seventh year, hundreds of different hostas combine with epimediums, hellebores, cimicifugas, ligularias, rodgersias, primulas, ferns, baneberries, arisaemas and false solomon seal. It's a picture to remember!

So thanks for joining us on our gardening journey.

George Africa

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