Saturday, May 24, 2008

Lily Leaf Beetle: BEWARE!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Have to scoot out of here in a minute as we are moving our nursery this weekend. Thousands and thousands of pots heading down Peacham Pond Road to our new location just west of Marshfield Village on Route 2. Half mile out of town on the left if you are heading towards Plainfield. Should have an "Open" sign up by noon but it will be a week before the bulk of the material makes its way there. Help is welcome, people with trucks and spare time will be rewarded with plants and gas money.

An important warning to lily growers. I don't have time to get some pictures out but the lily leaf beetle is everywhere. I wrote an article which was published on the net and recently by the Friends of the Hort Farm. The response has been dismal. Beetles are everywhere and lilies are being eaten. If you are a lilium grower, get out there right away and do an inspection. I'll try to get some pictures out tomorrow. I have been successful with dormant oil spray to control the new larvae.

Right now the bright red beetles, 1/4" to 3/8" long, black legs and antennae, are probably burrowing into the top of your lily stems where the leaves have not yet unfurled. Pry open the leaves and look for the beetle. Many have told me they are too obvious on the plants to be anything but depressing. I have not heard of a gardener who has not found a problem upon inspection. Hate to start the day on a bad note but if you enjoy lilies, you have to take action now.

Best wishes for a good Memorial Day weekend. Please stop for a minute and give thankful thoughts for the country we live in and those who have helped protect our freedoms over the years. The sacrifices have been great to allow us the opportunities to do things everyday which we now too often take for granted.

George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Flower Farm
Vermont Gardens Another blog I write

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