Tuesday, March 24, 2009
A beautiful late afternoon here on the mountain with a temperature of 35, bright sun and no wind. The temperature is misleading because the sun is shinning on the thermometer but just the same we are telling ourselves that the real spring will be here soon.
My writing has diminished of late but I think I can finally turn that around. I have no choice as I received an email last night from Barbara somebody in North Carolina who asked why nothing was going on up here. I am embarrassed enough to get with the program.
So last fall we carted the second house into the woods vowing to come back soon with the ladder and tools but that never happened. We made this latest one thinking that we'd now have two to hang but today we couldn't find where we left last year's house. There's still lots of snow in the woods and maybe in a couple weeks it will appear. If anything moves into any of these, we'll keep you posted. Possible web cam sites anyone?
The better news involves part of Barbara somebody's question. Where is that website? I won't bore anyone with the things I have learned about web hosting this week but the new material is
completed and the web site is in a more colorful format than you've seen before. I'm still trying to figure out how to speed up the download time and that's made especially difficult because the site is heavy on the graphics. Take a look at http://vermontflowerfarm.com and give me some feedback on how it works for you.
There are numerous pictures which I have to get around to but the introductory narratives and plant descriptions have been updated. It's a far piece from being the way I had planned but it is functional and will serve as our catalog to you. Give some feedback when you can. I appreciate kind thoughts but will take about any constructive comment I can get. If you have never prepared a site before just bear that in mind. This one represents me and a couple books and one heck of a lot of hours.
Best gardening wishes!
Writing from the mountain above Peacham Pond where mourning doves are eating cracked corn under the feeders and a small flock of starlings are cleaning up the last piece of suet. When I see a couple redwing blackbirds at the feeder, I'll cross winter off my mind.
George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Gardens
Vermont Flower Farm
Clicked on this from dAwN's blog because of the owl box. We have a barred owl that is in our Virginia hollow but I don't know where his nest is. I wondered about putting up an owl box and have plans but have never gotten around to it.
ReplyDeleteGeorge, this year for the first time we had an owl moved into a old wood pecker nest in a dead coconut tree in my garden (I have pictures in my blog) I am planning on building an owl house next year and putting it in a more secure area of the garden
ReplyDeleteThat Owl House looks very cool. I was just in Vermont for a little vacation, up from the Philadelphia Area. What a great place!