Saturday, February 13, 2010

Two Friends!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The sun has gone to sleep and there's an awkwardness right now as we wait for the next performer to appear and provide interest. The temperature is slipping downward and a light wind continues but I really do not care. Gail is gone with the girls to a benefit dinner tonight and I am here with Alex who is sicker than sick and not interested in anything but being left alone. Autism and sensory interferences are not a good combination.

Valentines Day approaches quickly. I have made responsible and irresponsible purchases for Gail. They are small but thoughtful and will pair nicely with going out to breakfast which will now have to be delayed until a day when Alex feels better.

As each Valentines Day approaches I always think of two friends like the two bleeding hearts held above in my open hand. I like the thought of two friends and each of us in this family has two friends here and we mean a great deal to each other.

The larger flowered bleeding heart, Dicentra spectabilis, is my favorite because I enjoy the big hearts which photograph so well. They work well in the garden and they spread larger each year.
Just below here are some I have planted along a split rail fence. They sprout upward through a maze of actaea and the colors and textures contrast nicely.

In this part of Vermont, the Siberian Irises open about the time the bleeding hearts are half finished. I like the iris blues, purples, blood reds and yellows as they crowd alongside bleeding heart scapes. I like the combination in a vase although the hearts have a heartless smell about them that isn't always that pleasant soon after they are cut. Do not sniff and you will not be disappointed.

In spring the bleeding hearts make ostrich-like appearances as they push through the maple leaves and stretch upward. Often they confuse gardeners who ask a few "What are those?" interrogatories and then seem to handle my response with a doubtful "Oh really?" Ask me and I'll answer. You don't have to agree.

Our woodlands sport Dicentra eximias in whites and pinks and reds. They grow quickly and bloom for more than half of the summer with only minor rest. At 14" tall with cut leaf displays they look nice in the front of the garden and bring focus to smaller and bigger plants that surround them.

Valentines Day approaches. It only lasts for a brief day. Remember your friends. Let them know you care.

Writing from the mountain above Peacham Pond where a barred owl has just moved close enough that I can hear him from inside. Two owls can be friends too.

George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Flower Farm
Also writing on Facebook as myself and maybe daily on Twitter as vtflowerfarm.


  1. Great pic of your hands... nice and dirty!

  2. Even dirty hands can hold love!

