Thursday, May 20, 2010

Peonies Are Coming!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

40 degrees here on the mountain and about as wet as you can get from yesterday's rain. The sun is already high above Peacham Pond and the third truck and fishing boat has passed the house just while I have been sitting here. A pileated woodpecker is on an old sugar maple over the bank and I just noticed that the bears finally came through and knocked over the empty bird feeders last night. How much bear does it take to bend a 90 degree angle in a 1.25" pipe?

Gail and I have been very busy at the nursery and writing has taken a back burner. Today the new wood chipper arrives for the tractor and a shipment of annuals from our good friends at Claussen's Florist and Greenhouses in Colchester. Gail used to work there and we both agree that a lot of people grow annuals but Claussen's is a company that really has it right!

We are trying to keep up with posts on Facebook at Vermont Flower Farm and Gardens. We want to be able to post pictures every day of what is available to see or buy. During yesterday's rain I worked on the inside of the office more trying to get the insulation done and get the computers set up. Time is short but we are getting there. Right now we have three varieties of columbine in bloom, a number of trollius, 5 varieties of oriental poppies which have set into the pots well, some good looking rhubarb plants for rhubarb crumble and strawberry rhubarb pie and hundreds of other things looking good for late spring gardens. Gail has 7 varieties of peonies for sale and the smouthii is just beginning to bloom here at the house.

Lots going on so if you are out and about, stop by and say hello. For those who cannot journey here, our website contains much of what we sell at the nursery. We ship on Monday-Tuesday Wednesday to be certain things arrive to you by the weekend at the latest. Our hosta offering is looking very, very good so if you have an interest but cannot find what you want on our site, email Gail at and she'll let you know if we can help. Spring snows just a week and a half ago slowed things down but today appears to be a different day.

Best gardening wishes!

George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Flower Farm
On Twitter as vtflowerfarm
On Facebook as George Africa and also Vermont Flower Farm and Gardens

1 comment:

  1. George, I am so happy that you retired! How would you have been able to do all this, otherwise? Unfortunately, I cannot stop by for a visit, but I truly enjoy stopping by at your blog, website, and Facebook page.
    Hope your week-end will be busy with visitors.
