Tuesday, August 24, 2010
A beautiful day here in Vermont after several days of rain. Started with a morning walk with Karl the Wonder Dog but only got to the back steps when he was conflicted with jumping, barking, waggy tail syndrome as three deer stood by a clump of hostas finishing off the last leaf of what I hope was an enjoyable breakfast. Hosta are known as "deer lettuce" and for whatever reason hosta rank above lettuce in the vegetable garden.
More and more people are raising their own chickens for eggs and meat. I have yet to make the move although my friend Mike just down the road lectures me often on the merits of chicken companionship. People stare at me when I talk to flowers so I have avoided being caught around chicken talk and rely instead on Mike's surplus eggs. I usually buy two dozen a week but sometimes more when Gail knocks off a hot milk sponge cake or a similar cake that requires 6-8 eggs to get going.
When I pick up eggs at Mike's, the eggs are visibly large and the box covers never shut without a rubber band. I don't know which chickens produce the big eggs but do know that sure are good. The news has done a regular job of late on the salmonella problem now estimated at over 550 million eggs and although salmonella can be a problem anywhere there are chickens, I'm really pleased with Mike's eggs.
Returned home yesterday and one carton had a surprise egg. I know Mike placed it there for laughs but I don't know what chicken it might have come from. It could have come from any of his girls as they are of varying ages but it might have come from Becky, a small bantie that doesn't ever leave her companion, Buck. These are the smallest pair but they are big on courage and don't get tossed around by other birds. My guess is the egg came from another bird but tiny eggs makes one think of Bantams. When Becky really does start producing, I'll need 4 dozen a week to meet my quota.
Have to get going here. Still dividing daylilies at the nursery--a chore than will continue for another three weeks. If you have nothing to do today and want to work for daylilies, not eggs, stop by.
Writing from the mountain above Peacham Pond where a noisy loon just flew over the house heading for Osmore Pond.
George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Flower Farm
On Facebook as Vermont Flower Farm and Gardens
On Twitter as vtflowerfarm
Primary Day so take just a couple minutes and vote. Many in the world don't have this freedom.
No salmonella here either, George. I don't keep chickens now, but we used to have a few and they were a hoot to watch. Friends of mine who operate a daylily nursery keep a number of fancy varieties of chickens, which they let run loose through the nursery, and consequently have no problems with slugs or earwigs. Food for thought. So to speak.