Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hale Street Gang Show

Saturday, February 26, 2011

I tried to get going early this morning but just when things were going well, Karl the Wonder Dog came out and shook off enough sleep to ask for a walk. We headed out into a bright, cold morning. I'm happy for this time of year because the sun is up early and I can get a lot done before many are even out of bed. Karl, in contrast, usually goes first for a walk and then back to bed. He's a dog and he can do that.

The temperature was just above zero when we exited the house and windy ice crystals prickled my face. I could hear crows yakking loudly in the balsams to the south of the house and as I looked for them, I noticed a slice of goodnight moon, still bright, but going back to sleep until tonight. I thought I might see an owl or the jake turkey with the bad foot but despite the crow talk I couldn't spot anything but the moon.

Gardeners come in all sizes and ages and they all need entertainment from time to time. I want to mention a gallery opening that will take place this afternoon, Saturday the 26th, at Chandler Gallery in Randolph, Vermont. You should consider going. The opening is from 2-4 PM and is titled the Hale Street Gang: Portraits in Writing. You might have seen this covered the other night on Channel 3's The 30 with Kristen Carlson or heard an interview on WDEV radio. This is not something to miss!

One of Gail's friend's from the past, Sara Tucker, and some other folks from the Randolph area helped start a writing group a while back for seniors at the Greater Randolph Senior Center. I guess one younger participant is in their seventies and the balance are in their 80's and 90's. One lady finished her memoirs at just about age 100 as she passed to another place. In a portrait of her at Chandler, you will see that she has a smile that is eternal.

This show is a collection of photos taken by one of Vermont's premiere portrait photographers, Jack Rowell and it includes writing and recordings from the writers. Sara writes a blog, The Hale Street Gang and Me which is a place to start if you need any more background info or encouragement to attend. Click on Portraits in Writing on the top of the blog and you'll get more information.

I don't have a clue is any of these people are gardeners but chances are very good that seniors of that age gardened. The point isn't gardening though, it's the reality that a group of folks have gotten together to write and record their stories as a very fine photographer has captured their images. We're going to the Chandler today. Hope to see you there. I have intentionally excluded any photos today. Click the links and see the great work involved in a special project.

George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Flower Farm
Social Networking Works!©
On Facebook as Vermont Flower Farm and Gardens and also as George Africa
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