Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Alabama Jubilee

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

48° and a steady rain this morning. Windless which is nice but still it feels colder than I wish for. The trees are more heavily budded today and poplars, birches and maples are offering pollen challenges to those with allergies. The fields around the house are finally snow free and the grasses are greening through winter packed thatch. Much to do!

Yesterday we planted all day and despite warnings of heavy rain, it wasn't bad. Gail and I were going full bore by 6:30 AM when she called Steve and asked him if he could come down. When Gail gets something in her mind, she moves ahead. The fact that someone else may still be looking for their first cup of coffee has no bearing on her plans. Steve is a great guy and a hard worker. He always works at 2-3 jobs and he learns the first time through which is why Gail likes to work with him. He appeared before 8 and we cranked out pot after pot for hours. By noon Diana from the Marshfield Inn arrived, and like Steve, there's no need to train and retrain as she starts right in and potted plants begin flowing. I had some afternoon business to tend to with Alex and when I returned they had potted 200 more daylilies as well as some other plants.

Spring is a good time to divide daylilies. Here in Marshfield the plants are just beginning to green up so digging and dividing is easier. Saturday we did +300 including Yellow Mammoth, Yellow Monster, Ruby Spider, Ruby Throat, Rooten Tooten Red, Red Volunteer, Red Sentinel and Orange Vols. Jason helped me dig and crate them and the crew finished the dividing and planting. These are robust plants that will be good additions to anyone's spring garden.

Today has the appearance of a day to catch up on web work and paperwork. The rain is pouring down right now and since we do all our potting outside, even good rain gear makes for long days. I'm heading out in a few minutes but Gail will stay here for the day. If you have any gardening questions, give her a call. We will open for the season this Saturday at 9 and have some very nice potted daffodils we did ourselves last fall as well as some hanging baskets from our friends at Claussen's Florist and Greenhouses in Colchester. Mothers Day is a day to remember and it arrives this weekend. And don't forget--at Vermont Flower Farm we'll help you grow your green thumb!!

Writing from the mountain above Peacham Pond where 6 very wet turkeys just went past the office window.

George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Flower Farm
On Facebook as Vermont Flower Farm and Gardens and also as George Africa
On Twitter as vtflowerfarm
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