Monday, December 05, 2011

Writers Cottage Continued

Monday, December 5, 2011

33.4°, windless, with a rose colored sky above Peacham Pond that serves as a backdrop to the tops of the aged fir balsams. A blue jay just tried unsuccessfully to crowd 4 mourning doves off the platform feeder as a couple chickadees, small and polite, crowded in without incident. I filled the feeders yesterday but the changing weather brought in lots of birds yesterday and I have to get back with more food soon.

Work continues on the new writers cottage and I have to say that I am pleased with how a guy who cannot cut a straight line has assembled a workable building that I don't think will fall down. There is a lot of work left to be done but with the main building up and the wood stove functional, so I can get back to the inside work any day I please.

Yesterday was "in the woods" day and I worked hard on cutting out a trail from the cottage to the back Peacham land border. Our 70 acres includes land in Marshfield and Peacham and I am working my way across a mountainside crossing both townships as I make the trail. I'm making it big enough for easy cross country skiing, snowshoeing or just hiking and will use the wood for the cottage stove. I have plans to plant the more open areas with wild flowers that I have been propagating in various locations on the property. Lots of ambition, but less time than I need.

Close to the cottage is a very nice spring that percolates big bubbles of crystal clear, very cold water from a bed of sparkling white, always shinning granite dust. In spring I'll put in a hand pump to make it easier to draw water and somehow I'll pipe that to my idea for a solar shower. Anyone with ideas on the solar shower can let me know what works, what doesn't.

Today is recycling day and I have to get the truck loaded and get to East Montpelier. It looks like the weather will hold til noon and that's good as it will take a bit to get the truck loaded and a few other chores finished. I hope your day goes well too. As you think about holiday gifts, think about replacement tools. There are some handy items on the market that make gardening easier.

Best gardening wishes from the mountain above Peacham Pond where this morning's noisy coyote concert faded quickly, replaced by calming bird songs.

George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Flower Farm
On Facebook as Vermont Flower Farm and Gardens and also as George Africa
On Twitter as vtflowerfarm


  1. Very cool cottage! How are you heating it? The spring and solar shower idea sounds good. You may want to consider some sort of windmill pump to a raised water storage container of some kind. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product!

  2. Hi Dave;

    I have a small wood stove for heat. Being situated in a forest, there is plenty of wood close by fuel. I am thinking through a raised tank and solar box heater for hot water but right now am insulating the inside and enjoying a nice place!

