Friday, January 06, 2012

Town Tours

Friday, January 6, 2012

A 3 mph wind this morning, 16° with total grey cloud cover. I have been out twice with Karl the Wonder Dog who is now driving me mad with his Christmas gift of a little squeaky toy the size of a weasel, supposed to be a fox I guess but only comes with two legs and a long tail. Somehow Karl folds this now wet rag-like affair in half and tosses it into the air which is quite fine until it lands on something his poor eyesight cannot locate. I enjoy the dog's happiness but don't like to keep getting up to retrieve his missing amusement.

Gardeners and their gardening have only been left alone for a month now so they don't miss their spring and summer get-your-hands-dirty pursuit yet as much as they will by the end of February. There are plenty of left over, non-gardening chores to complete, a few social obligations, and in any house there is some other member's "help me with this" list.

Yesterday Gail joined a couple friends in going to St Johnsbury where one of them had some incredible hand made silk scarves displayed at a craft store. It seemed like a good time for friends to ride along and visit a Northeast Kingdom town with many secrets hidden away. These three women are all avid gardeners but they also understand small businesses very well and they support Vermont business at every turn.

St Johnsbury is not unlike many rural Vermont towns. The stores run along a main street and up and down the side streets and parking is along the street and at some places off to the sides.
The storekeepers pride themselves in clean, organized stores with good selections, friendly smiles and good information.

Over the next few hours the trio visited The Artful Eye, The Northeast Kingdom Artisans Guild, Wool Away, Frameway Custom Frame Shop and Moose River Lake and Lodge. I think there were a couple other stores but you get the picture. Three good friends going to places that sell products that take hands to make and that the craftsman and the customer really enjoy. I told Gail that we should go again soon and take the camera and see if the owners will allow pictures. I'll bet they will.

As winter continues and those indoor plants don't quite do it for you, get out and see a town in Vermont you haven't been to. I'll bet you'll find a treasure that will make you sparkle too!

Writing from the mountain above Peacham Pond where the town truck just went by. The clanking of the tire chains scared away the birds on the feeders but they'll be back soon. Their breakfast buffet was recently refilled and morning bird talk without politics will begin again soon.

George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Flower Farm
On Facebook as Vermont Flower Farm and Gardens and also as George Africa
On Twitter as vtflowerfarm
Always helping you grow your green thumb!!

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