Monday, January 09, 2012

Vermont's Maple Products

Monday, January 9, 2012

6° here on the mountain this morning and the light breeze was just enough to make me grab my coat collar and pull it tighter as I walked quickly outside with Karl the Wonder Dog. His feet ran fast this morning and although he stopped for seconds to catch a sniff and check out a coyote track, he wanted the warmth of the wood stove more than he wanted the outdoors. In an hour or so his courage will build again and there will be a scratch-scratch-scratch by the door but for now there's comfort in the rug by the stove.

I spent part of the weekend returning some of the front room to normalcy after friend Michelle put two coats of fresh new paint on. Putting the cover plates back on the electric outlets is no great feat except I decided it's not the job to do at the end of the day when older eyes have trouble finding the notch in the plate screw and getting back up from the floor is a long, groaning affair. The room looks great and in a couple days, Michelle will be in the middle of the living room doing the same prep work, taping, painting. She's excellent!

Seed catalogs continue to arrive even though I haven't requested any new ones. I am trying to get paperless on as many things as possible but it seems that each day when Gail returns from the mailbox, there is another new catalog. The latest is a seed and potato company from the state of Washington. It carries all the fingerling potatoes we love so much but frankly the shipping coast to coast is a bit much.

We recently reported about the open house Friday at the Vermont Food Venture Center in Hardwick. One of the companies displaying their specialty foods was The Mapled Nut from Morrisville. Back in the late 90's I had an opportunity to sit in the home of the originators of this food product line and learn about what they had going on. Looking back at the evolution of a food product is a rewarding experience and I knew back then that the nuts were a winner. As Gail and I looked at the new offerings at the opening I was so happy to see where a couple of very hard workers took a start up before they sold it many years later. These nuts are more

than special and things like the new Nuts About Coffee line which takes Almonds or Pecans and coats them with 100% maple syrup and coffee or coffee and spices are ever so-o-o good.

Gail and I try to promote other Vermont businesses as we ask people to consider our own Vermont Flower Farm. Vermont is a perfect state for small business and The Mapled Nut deserves your look-see.

Writing from the mountain above Peacham Pond where buying a small bag of so called wild bird mix was a good idea. I put out some of the mix late yesterday and evening grosbeaks are telegraphing the new food story. Twenty something on the ground or on the feeder right now!!

George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Flower Farm
On Facebook as Vermont Flower Farm and Gardens and also as George Africa
On Twitter as vtflowerfarm
Helping you grow your green thumb!

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