Saturday, July 07, 2012

Bloom Explosion

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Saturday morning already and the predicted rain has just begun. Karl the Wonder Dog just returned from his morning walk but right now he is hiding under my desk. We both heard a clap of thunder and Karl doesn't do well with the unexpected. I have been thinking of buying him a thunder jacket to try as they seem to get great reviews. Does anyone have comments on one for their dog?

The flower farm has shown a little more business this week but it's waiting for summer traffic which just has not started yet in Vermont. I have visited a couple larger garden centers and was one of the few visitors so I know it's not just Vermont Flower Farm that is waiting for customers. Vermont's economy is not what officials tell us it is.

Daylilies are beginning to bloom and they serve as a visitor magnet as many have not seen the available colors. The early blooming yellows and oranges have be joined by every color but blue and pots are getting loaded into cars at a rate that is making me a little happier.

Red Rum up top has taken a few years to get settled into our gardens and now it's producing well. It is not a bright red like some people like but the shade works well with many complimentary colors, especially the blues and pale yellows. The profusion of bloom makes folks smile too.

Stamile's older release of Omomuki is not just another yellow (just below here) It has great substance and it blooms on thick scapes over a long time. I love the edge and the fact that in heavy summer rains it holds tight and does not fade. It also does not brown up on the edges if it gets bruised by heavy rain like Imperial Lemon sometimes does.

People either love reds or they hate them and they are quite vocal about their persuasion. Red Volunteer is perfect for the "lovers". This is a taller daylily on thick scapes and it produces blooms for a long period. It is a vigorous grower and I have found myself doing exercises before dividing clumps after a few years growth. If you grow one, you'll know what I mean.

Wayside King Royale is a purple with yellow throat that is a "must have" as far as I am concerned. I planted 30 of them in a group down in front of the hosta display garden and when they bloom, the show from Route 2 and from our parking lot is noticeable for sure. The bloom period is long and you don't like to see it end. We have this daylily in pots and also dig from the gardens if you are interested.

If you're out and about today, stop and see the daylilies beginning to bloom. There are umbrellas available if it's raining but remember that we close everything down and retreat inside the office if there is thunder in the air. Respect yourself and don't ask if you can walk the fields in a thunderstorm. Some people ask and I make a very "just-ate-a lemon-face" when I have to say "No!!!!" Common sense is always available at Vermont Flower Farm and it comes for free....kinda like our sign, a crafted gift from friends Dianna and Tracey---"Free Weeds"

Writing from the mountain above Peacham Pond where light rain continues as a little chipmunk drinks sugar water from the honey bees feeder and washes its feet together while looking straight at me.

George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Flower Farm Open 9-5 every day until Labor Day
On Facebook at Vermont Flower Farm and Gardens and also at George Africa
On Twitter as vtflowerfarm
And at the farm where we are always available to help you grow your green thumb!

1 comment:

  1. I know… I went to the nurseries in the early spring to buy bare-root roses *exclusively for bath petals. I have a pink and white rose t hat I don’t really like as a garden plant – but I grow it for the petals. I feel like Mortisha Adams cutting off roses when they grow!Ahmedabad Flowers
