Monday, August 19, 2013

Rudbeckias and Others

 Monday, August 19, 2013

Pink sky over Peacham Pond suggests another nice day for late summer clean up at the flower farm. We are weeding and dividing daylilies at the same time and the weeding part is a real chore this year after all the rain. We were last able to rototill the gardens in late May and for two weeks now that the sun has come out, we are working hard to make up for lost time. Michael started the work before he returned to college so I am in charge now and I take home a truckload of weeds about every night. It's a lot of work because in many places we had trouble getting control of weeds that floated in on the hurricane winds from two years ago.

For several years now I have grown a tall rudbeckia named herbstonne. Before I started shrinking and widening with age, I was 5'10" tall so you can see what herbstonne looks like in comparison. There are places in your garden that you might need some height and this would be the right plant. I does not spread too quickly and it catches attention from afar. Give it a try if you have that need for "vertical".

Here's an image of some of the success we are making along the fence line that is visible from Route 2. This garden runs parallel to Route 2 and over time will be an attention getter by itself. The cleome pretty much self seeded from last year while the other flowers are spreading themselves.This is a collection of Rudbeckia goldsturm, white and purple liatris, white veronicastrum, the herbstonnes,  and three varieties of baptisia. It makes for a nice mix and comes into its own this time of season.
If you are out and about today, stop by the flower farm and say hello. Hundreds of tourists are visiting the Cabot Creamery for the tour and cheese tasting while others are following the trail of vineyards and wine producers that dot Vermont now.You might want to get involved too!

Writing from the mountain above Peacham Pond where loons are yelling at me to get to work. I must!.

George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Flower Farm
On Facebook as Vermont Flower Farm and Gardens and also as George Africa
On Twitter as vtflowerfarm
Always here to help you grow your green thumb!

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