Sunday, April 19, 2015
Up to 48.2° from an earlier 35°. The sun is burning through and today is a day when I have a long list of things to do because the sun will shine unlike the balance of the week when it will rain part of every day. Alex is almost ready to go. We have a few plumbing items to pick up and then it's off to the flower farm.
This is the time of year when we receive phone calls about how to control deer. The deer are coming out of the woods where they have forded up all winter, especially this year when the snow was so deep. In a few days the grass will begin to green up but in the meantime deer eat anything that shows a sign of green and that includes daylilies.
Years ago I wrote a little page on our website that discusses deer control. Try this and see if it helps at all. It all comes from experience. Mine.
I have to scoot. Lots to accomplish today! Be well!!
George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Flower Farm
On Facebook as Vermont Flower Farm & Gardens. Like us!
Also on FB as George Africa with lots of garden photos.
On a variety of social media sharing gardening thoughts & pictures
And always here to help you grow your green thumb!
I have make some idea for blog please see them....