Friday, July 20, 2018

Daylilies on Display

It was October 2007, when I decided to build a daylily display garden parallel to Route 2, the location of the "new" Vermont Flower Farm. I hired Marshfield native Brien Ducharme to bring in loads of large stones on the last day he owned his log truck. I always remember him driving up in his pick up about 2 in the afternoon and asking if I still wanted him to do the work. I said "Yes please" and hours later the design of the garden was mapped out in thousands of pounds of large stones. 

Today as I walk the garden, I'm ever so happy I moved on with the project. The garden is now home to well over 350 of the +700 varieties of daylily we grow-- as well as a few dwarf conifers, some ironwoods, garden phlox, wiegelea, ninebarks, and hydrangeas. These all grow near two acres of daylilies on one side of our office and sales center and another acre on the other side. It's worth a visit. The daylilies are wonderful right now but so are the astilbes, hostas, hydrangeas and an assortment of Vermont hardy perennials. July is the time for a visit, a walk, a tour. Come visit! We think you will agree that it was worth the drive!

George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Flower Farm and Gardens
2263 US Route 2
Marshfield, Vermont 05658

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