Saturday, July 28, 2007
I woke up at a little after 4 this morning to the clunk-clunk-clunk of a boat and trailer heading down the road to Peacham Pond. Brown trout grow big and smart there and fishermen get going
early as they dream of a new record. As for me, I arose feeling much like this gloriosa daisy. I was still a little cramped up but once I get going I expect a beautiful day.
I spent much of yesterday standing in the Winooski River as a volunteer on a stream flow management program. Work in Plainfield behind the recreation field, by the Martin Covered Bridge, Paradise Falls and the Durant Cemetary kind of whithered me down. It was hot yesterday but this is a good project tied to water quality samplings and a plan for the future. At some point I'll write about it all at Vermont Gardens

early as they dream of a new record. As for me, I arose feeling much like this gloriosa daisy. I was still a little cramped up but once I get going I expect a beautiful day.
I spent much of yesterday standing in the Winooski River as a volunteer on a stream flow management program. Work in Plainfield behind the recreation field, by the Martin Covered Bridge, Paradise Falls and the Durant Cemetary kind of whithered me down. It was hot yesterday but this is a good project tied to water quality samplings and a plan for the future. At some point I'll write about it all at Vermont Gardens
This morning it appears I'm on my own, kind of like this assassin bug strolling into Hemerocallis 'Big Bird' as it looks for breakfast. I couldn't pry Karl the wonderdog out of bed with Gail so I went for my morning walk by myself. Today is Gail's birthday and Karl is apparently sticking close by as if there will be treats to share. He is probably right but we don't start festivities at 5 in the morning here.
Today looks like another rainy day but it is obviously Daylily Days at Vermont Flower Farm. If you are out and about, do stop by soon as the colors are special and Gail's forty or so new daylilies, although scattered within the rows of hundreds of other daylilies, stand strong and beckon you to reach for a pot and a few bucks.
With well over 60,000 registered daylilies, there is plenty to pick from. Gail likes the older varieties and she always proves there are planting combinations to be made which are show stoppers. Leebea Orange Crush is another orange to some gardeners but it's potential is unyielding. A garden of orange daylilies sounds blah but until you have mixed Tuscawilla Tigress and My Reggae Tiger with Leebea, perhaps a few Kwanso and some bright yellows, reds and golds, you don't have the whole picture.
Last night as I toured the gardens on the last sweep of the night before arthritis set in, I noticed someone was trying this combination with 'Jeune Tom' and 'Over There' which had been left with a group of Leebeas. About 6 Orange Crush were missing from the rows so I assume the plan received favorable reviews from whomever the gardener was. It sure made sense to me.

If you stop by, Gail can help with some combinations of color and bloom time to fit your need. Yesterday she did a nice presentation for a lady from New Jersey who comes to her summer place for only this two week period every year. Her request was to have a colorful display that shouts "Relax" when she opens the car door and steps onto Vermont soil. Gail did a great job and we know the customer will be very pleased when she arrives at her summer home next year. If you can't make it to get some in-the-garden attention from Gail, send her an e-mail and prepare a web order. Gail can make it really easy and since we take credit cards now too, making the payment and getting on with the planting is much easier.
Karl just pranced in with a strong suggestion that we go for a walk so I'm out of here. If you do stop by for a visit, stroll through the lower hosta garden and out back to the little daylily nursery we have going over the bank. The daylilies are great but the back drop of giant clumps of 6 year old astilbes will catch your breath and make you want to explore this flower too. Don't forget!
From the mountain above Peacham Pond where it's pin-drop quiet right now with the only noise coming from two cedar waxwings eating a breakfast of choke cherries. If you do stop by, wish Gail a Happy Birthday. It will make her smile!
George Africa
Today looks like another rainy day but it is obviously Daylily Days at Vermont Flower Farm. If you are out and about, do stop by soon as the colors are special and Gail's forty or so new daylilies, although scattered within the rows of hundreds of other daylilies, stand strong and beckon you to reach for a pot and a few bucks.
Last night as I toured the gardens on the last sweep of the night before arthritis set in, I noticed someone was trying this combination with 'Jeune Tom' and 'Over There' which had been left with a group of Leebeas. About 6 Orange Crush were missing from the rows so I assume the plan received favorable reviews from whomever the gardener was. It sure made sense to me.
If you stop by, Gail can help with some combinations of color and bloom time to fit your need. Yesterday she did a nice presentation for a lady from New Jersey who comes to her summer place for only this two week period every year. Her request was to have a colorful display that shouts "Relax" when she opens the car door and steps onto Vermont soil. Gail did a great job and we know the customer will be very pleased when she arrives at her summer home next year. If you can't make it to get some in-the-garden attention from Gail, send her an e-mail and prepare a web order. Gail can make it really easy and since we take credit cards now too, making the payment and getting on with the planting is much easier.
Karl just pranced in with a strong suggestion that we go for a walk so I'm out of here. If you do stop by for a visit, stroll through the lower hosta garden and out back to the little daylily nursery we have going over the bank. The daylilies are great but the back drop of giant clumps of 6 year old astilbes will catch your breath and make you want to explore this flower too. Don't forget!
From the mountain above Peacham Pond where it's pin-drop quiet right now with the only noise coming from two cedar waxwings eating a breakfast of choke cherries. If you do stop by, wish Gail a Happy Birthday. It will make her smile!
George Africa