Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lifting Spirits

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

45° this morning. Last night's red sky has offered up a clear, cool morning and yesterday's breeze took away some of the sogginess that came with each step as Irene left us with almost 7" of rain here on the mountain. This morning's walk with Karl the Wonder Dog was uneventful but the sound of the water going over the dam at Peacham Pond and down the river to Marshfield Reservoir is thunderous and freight train-like. There's a sense of contradiction there as no trains are running in Vermont because over three hundred miles of track have somehow been compromised. The media has offered full coverage on what has become a disaster of bigger dimension than the floods of 1927. Gail's mom once told us of standing by the Winooski River in Chittenden County and watching cows float by but this year river watchers saw cars and houses and trailers and covered bridges.

All make of farmers have been devastated by the recent floods. The summer began in late May with some very serious flooding but Irene included every farmer in Vermont on her recent visit. Yes, there are some who fared better than others but everyone experienced damage, some so difficult that thoughts of career change or retirement prevail. It seemed to me as if I had just barely begun to catch up on the destruction of May 26th when Irene hit. Yesterday when it was over Gail and I went down to the nursery as soon as we confirmed that Route 2 had been reopened. It was a repeat of May only worse. I took a bunch of pictures and oddly as I scanned the SD Card later, no pictures were saved. Maybe that was good as we've seen enough for this year. Gail went back to the nursery later in the day to work but I needed a break from disaster and headed into the woods to cut woood and work on some new trails I am building. By the end of the day news reports and emails from other farmers gave all too adequate notice that we had done very well compared to farmers who had lost everything.

For us it is rebuild time and we will continue on. I am trying to connect with the correct agency to get some help with river bank management. Vermont is an interesting state and there is a group that is adament that planting trees and shrubs maintains the river in times like this but it just isn't so. Spring run off is consistently more of a problem than ever before and the rivers in some places have filled with silt and rock and the river beds have risen. At our place the Winooski River makes two right hand turns in a hundred yards and that prevents the massive water flow, pushing it instead onto our land. A new course is growing and if I cannot get some help changing the flow, much of our land and a couple acres of flowers will be lost. Sunday night Green Moutnain Power began plans for an emergency release of water from the Marshfield Reservoir. They think as a company they did a good job managing this emergency but they failed miserably in communication and management skills. Had the dam failed, Central Vermont on to Winooski and Burlington would be a different place today.

As the sun gets higher this morning, Gail is already packing for her daily trip to the nursery. I have banking to do this morning and need a few small engine repair parts while I am in Barre. Other farmers are going about their chores. Some are missing animals, equipment, land, or buildings. Some are very discouraged, most are working right now as you read this. No matter what you do today, stop for a minute and reflect on where your food supply comes from and what it takes to get food to your table. Give credit to farmers. Stop and say hello to neighboring farmers, CSAs, and offer encouragement. Encouraging smiles go a long way!

Writing from the mountain above Peacham Pond where the honey bees are flying well this morning to the background sound of ravens discussing breakfast above the compost pile and a pileated woodpecker working up breakfast on the maple outside my office window. Life goes on! Be happy!

George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Flower Farm
On Facebook as Vermont Flower Farm and Gardens and also as George Africa
On Twitter as vtflowerfarm
We will always help you grow your green thumb!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Rainbow Lights

Friday, August 26, 2011

Still overcast here on the mountain but the weatherman says the sky will clear soon and we will have a couple nice days before the impact of Irene is obvious to us. Rain estimates over Vermont are now 2" to 7" and that is more encouraging to me having seen what the rains of late May did to our nursery. Storms can change, for better or worse, so we will wait and see.

Mrs Doe Deer and her fawn just passed by my office window but once again I was not awake enough to catch a photo image of them together. The fawn is energetic and has the courage to leave Mom at some distance before running back, checking and leaving again. The doe raises her head often to see where her kid has gone to and I notice she is watching behind herself a lot so perhaps she hears a coyote or "unlocal" dog. They are a pleasure to watch.

Swiss chard has been around for years and I have to admit that my childhood memories of it were not favorable. That has all changed now and like beets, I love the stuff. For several years now colorful mixes have been available, some called Bright Lights, Rainbow Mix, or Bright Lights Improved. Although vegetable gardeners plant them to eat, flower gardeners have been mixing them more and more in flower gardens and in container plantings. They last through the frosts of early fall and add a color and texture that other plants cannot offer. Consider them in the future and if you don't like the look--eat 'em!!

Writing from the mountain above Peacham Pond where sunlight brightens the still-dark sky just a shade. I have to get going here. Alex is 19 today!

George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Flower Farm
On Facebook as Vermont Flower Farm and Gardens and also as George Africa
On Twitter as vtflowerfarm
Still helping you grow your green thumb!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Kingdom Farm and Field Days

Monday, August 22, 2011

60°, windless, dripping wet, quiet, darker than a pocket. The ground squishes from last night's heavy rains. Black clouds have little openings of light pushing through but it's 5:30 now and morning will come slowly. Karl the Wonder Dog was not interested in much of a walk and has already returned to sleep which he instantaneously accentuates with loud snoring. I do not understand him.

Yesterday I made a quick escape from the flowers and the clean up chores at Vermont Flower Farm and I headed to Wolcott for the Kingdom Farm and Food Days presentation at High Mowing Organic Seeds. I went last year and had a great time and I have tried to promote High Mowing and the other agricultural businesses that try so hard to help Vermont through very difficult times. Yesterday was just part of an excellent promotional program that started the day before with tours of many businesses. If you have never heard about this opportunity, plug a "do-not-miss" reminder into your calendar page right now so you don't miss another year.

I almost never grow vegetables because we are just plain too busy with five acres of flowers. Gail and I do most of our work ourselves and we have never found a day stretcher yet that worked for us. Just the same we buy local vegetables and every year Gail makes some attempt to grow some things for us. This year the string beans, summer and winter squashes, lettuces, bok choy, carrots, cukes and 4-5 types of tomatoes have done well despite neglect and difficult weather. But it's because of limited involvement with vegetables that I love to go see what Tom Stearns and his staff have to offer at High Mowing. You should go too!

I don't know what impressed me the most this year. There's always so much to look at and a number of excellent talks make the afternoon speed by. The bazillion varieties of lettuces, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants make me ask if there is an end to what is being hybridized. Winter squashes were in abundance this year and the tomatoes in the greenhouse demonstrations were special.

I used to eat a lot of peppers and loved hot peppers until I ran into a little conflict with a blood pressure medicine I take. Touring High Mowing is not easy for me as the peppers are glorious and many I have never seen or heard of before. A blocky, bright red one named Ferrari looked challenging but I know better than to get into hot peppers again. There is something special about a plant heavily burdened by fruits that weigh the branches and this was clearly a great year for peppers.

Visitors loved the lectures and the one on seed saving that had started as I arrived was very well attended. I have had the luxury of attending the winter workshops High Mowing offers and have seen all their seed processing equipment used as they process seed for sale. Obviously this is far different than a home gardener saving a few tomato or squash seeds but it's important to understand the whole process.

A field of white nicotiana planted next to soy beans, potatoes and string beans provided a sweet scent and a great color contrast that encouraged camera shutters to click away. One lady was obviously allergic to the fragrance but despite sneezes she moved along to view the zinnias and sweet pea flowers.
Lettuce and other salad greens are obviously in great demand and the demonstration plantings support this. As I walked the rows I was dreaming of a bowl of fresh greens, basil, cukes and tomatoes topped with my secret recipe of Dog Team Tavern Dressing. It was only a dream but a colorful one just the same.
Brassicas in an organic garden come with small clouds of cabbage butterflies but for the size of the field, there weren't really that many fluttering by. I love cabbage and somehow missed the presentation on making sauerkraut which I thought would be fun.

As I began to head back to the truck and back to my real job, I watched the lecture group circle the gardens and make their way back to the original entry point. I could hear Tom Stearn's voice from the distance and I knew that once again he had made a lot of people happy.
Try not to miss this great event next year. In a couple days I'll have a bunch of pictures up on my Vermont Flower Farm and Gardens Facebook page. Take a look--maybe Tuesday. Right now I have to get the truck loaded and get down to work. Stop by the flower farm if you have a minute today. Plenty of deals on bare root daylilies and other plants we're moving along. Still some very nice hydrangeas, ginkos, witch hazels and lilacs.

George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Flower Farm
On Facebook as Vermont Flower Farm and Gardens and also as George Africa
On Twitter as vtflowerfarm
Let us help you grow your green thumb!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Late Summer Oldies

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Half past five this morning and Karl the Wonder Dog sleeps and snores loudly as if forgetting it's summer and time for his walk. I care not as there are many morning chores today that have to be completed before I head for the nursery. It's 55° now, and windless with a good barometric pressure so today looks like the day we were promised. Gail has already responded with her personal comments about the projected afternoon temperature. She always equates higher temperatures--those 80° or more, with poor plant sales. She is correct but this time of year, even with a terrible economy, out of state guests stop by to take things home. I am positive about today.

The daylily industry has done a fine job with mid-to-late and also late blooming daylilies to guarantee color in Vermont gardens well into September. We have not done a good job offering as many as we should to customers although we do have a nice collection still growing here on the mountain. Some are newer but some are old and have been used since around WW II.

Up top here is Autumn Red, a 36" dusky red that was registered by Nesmith in 1941. It blooms over quite a time and my only comment is that bloom count slows dramatically when the vigorous plant growth becomes too compact. It continues to bloom and it makes a nice back border hedge-like planting or a green border for walkways. It does need some help controlling its growth over time but a sharp shovel or knife will do the trick.

In 1941, Stout registered Autumn Prince (just below) , a four foot tall yellow with a lemony fragrance you'll remember. The flowers are smaller than some might like but they just bloom and bloom on tall, slender scapes that wave in the breeze. The height gives prominence to the back of the border and when planted where they are visible to foot or vehicle traffic, you'll find yourself answering identity questions from gardeners who like and want it.

Gail says we never had Autumn Minaret, another Stout registration from 1951, but there was a time when we had some here at the house. It is noticeably taller at 5.5 feet, maybe a little taller even, has good branching and the flowers are lemony fragrant too and bloom again during early fall. Prince and Minaret remind me how much I enjoy Hesperus that just finished blooming maybe a week and a half ago. I wish they had the more vigorous growth habit of Hesperus but I guess I don't need more daylilies that require periodic dividing with the "to do' list I already maintain.

We are sold out of Autumn Prince and have an order of Autumn Red leaving today or tomorrow so that's it for this year. Neither of these may compare to the modern designer types you may have come to enjoy but there is a beauty to anything old which cannot be replaced.

Writing from the mountain above Peacham Pond where the back door just closed and Gail headed out with Karl for a morning walk. I have this vision that they will meet some large wildlife this morning. It looks like that kind of morning.

George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Flower Farm
On Facebook as Vermont Flower Farm and Gardens and also as George Africa
On Twitter as vtflowerfarm
Still plenty of time to let us help you grow your green thumb!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Happy Helenium

Friday, August 19, 2011

It's a beautiful morning here on the mountain. Bird songs welcome the sun rise above Peacham Pond and the honeybees are making quick flights, probably to nearby goldenrod patches that are finishing their bloom. Karl the Wonder Dog has coaxed two walks out of Gail this morning and now he sits perched on the edge of the couch, looking out the window for morning walkers, joggers or cyclists. He enjoys offering loud barks and a waggy tail to passersby who don't even know he welcomes their presence.

Last night's weather report described the pollen count as rising and mentioned the prominence of ragweed pollen. I have never had allergy problems but Gail and Alex have had a most difficult time this summer with the various pollens beginning "way back when" with maple and birch tree pollen. Right now I do think it is the ragweed that's bothering many but all plants have experienced abundant growth from this year's spring rains and warm temperatures.

A flower we grow for sale and also in our gardens is named helenium, which carries a common name of sneezeweed. Although it doesn't seem to cause sneezing in my friends, there may be something to the moniker I don't know about. Gail always has carried 3-4-5 varieties and this year she pared back her offering and they have been good sellers. They reach 3 feet, sometimes a little more in height, and they are good late summer, back-of-the-garden plants. I planted some last fall along the new river garden but the dry soil there and drought have limited height and advanced their bloom time to the point that those are about passed right now. Just the same, give them some consideration. They are long lived and make a nice cut flower too.

Writing from the mountain above Peacham Pond where Gail just left for the nursery and I have to get things loaded in the truck. Alex knows he has to mow the lawn at some point and when he does, we'll see if grass pollen and sneezes prevail. Hope your allergies are under control.

George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Flower Farm
On Facebook as Vermont Flower Farm and Gardens and also as George Africa
On Twitter as vtflowerfarm

Bare root daylily sales continue in abundance. Join Us! We'll help you grow your green thumb!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

August Color

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A foggy, drippy morning here on the mountain. The loons at Peacham Pond are talking in lower voices this morning but they are the only ones conversing. Karl the Wonder Dog and I just returned from our morning walk. There was no excitement this morning---no morning encounters with deer, bear or moose, not even the small animals of the forest and that boredom made Karl turn around by himself and head back to bed. It must be nice!

The rain during the past couple days arrived like it did in May. I keep two rain gauges at the nursery and even the one that was slightly tipped exceeded 3 inches of rain yesterday morning. The upright one was at +5 inches and the Winooski River, still rising and running dirty brown, suggested without doubt that we had finally received some much needed rain.

Gardening has been a challenge this summer because it has been a summer of extremes. First inches of rain and then repeated days of 80° or above. But now it looks like things may slide into a late summer pattern and this is a time when gardens should still be glorious. I greatly dislike the way the media begins hyping the end of summer now with back to school sales and absurd comment about last big BBQ's and final beach forays. Makes no sense to me as actually this should be a time when well planned gardens sport something better looking than a pot of store bought chrysanthemums.

The image up top is from last summer when I was quite pleased with the way the garden along the fence greeted people from Route 2 or our parking area. Last summer was some different than this year and certain flowers such as the tall yellow Rudbeckia 'Herbstonne', growing to 7-8 feet tall and offering masses of color joined 3 foot tall Marigolds named Gold Coin Sovereign as they raced each other to the end of summer and the first big fall frost..

This year some things are better, such as the my-o-my 9 foot tall Thalictrum that's covered with flower bees and bumble bees. But the weather has influenced many flowers and what I expected to be glorious are not quite there this year because of the drought.

Just this same, think of the flowers that I expected to be better and consider them for your gardens for next year. Echinaceas in various colors should be holding on to final bloom now...pinks, reds, yellows, oranges, 3 foot tall heleniums in fall colors should be full and bright, and crocosmias should be finishing their bright red scapes (or yellows, pinks and whites in zone 6 and warmer). Garden phlox should have offered vibrant colors for weeks now and should be going into a garden flush of color via the later varieties. The bottle brush flower scapes of a half dozen great actaeas, the cimicifugus before registry changed their names. These are magnets for all butterflies and many bees and add living, moving, natural color to your gardens. The various daisies should still be blooming and turtlehead should be budding up for its "have-you-ever-seen-me?" presentation.

So with these opportunities and dozens more, it's appropriate to think of what you have and what you're missing so your gardens look colorful and inviting while others think unkind end-of summer thoughts. Challenge your thinking and when you stop by a nursery offering those absurd give away, get-it-out of here-plant sales, ask the nurseryman to help you make your gardens last longer. You'll be happy you asked.....guaranteed!!

Writing from the mountain above Peacham Pond where a very soggy Mrs. Doe Deer just looked up at my office window. "Keystrokes?" she's asking, "Keystrokes????" "I hear keystrokes."

George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Flower Farm
On Facebook as Vermont Flower Farm and Gardens and also as George Africa
On Twitter as vtflowerfarm
Stop by VFF where we'll help you grow your green thumb!

Friday, August 05, 2011

Growing Good Garden Phlox

Friday, August 5, 2011

A quiet day on the mountain. Birds are talking back and forth and a doe just moved through tall goldenrod to snack on fresh cut field grass. She looked up towards my office window a couple times, but breakfast seemed more important.

There are television channels numbered "3" all over the US and Vermont has its very own Channel 3 from Burlington,Vermont. I know the station well as it started broadcasting soon after our family moved to Vermont in the early 50's. We were the only family in our area with a television and people came to sit and watch. The antenna came with us from New York and as city relatives came for visits they brought their old antennas which my father kept adding on to our antenna until he managed to get a reasonable signal from Channel 8 in Poland Springs Maine. Hard wind storms messed antenna alignment up and cause fatherly expletives which fortunately were not aired. Stuart Hall was the weather man back then and farmers listened attentively to crop reports. TV and weather reports were different back then but news and the family listening together were a big part of rural life in the 50's.

Channel 3 airs a garden report and offers gardeners fresh information each week. Last night there was a piece about growing garden phlox and mention was made of Serenade said to quell powdery mildew and other fungal problems on our favorite garden phlox. I have heard about this product but haven't tried it and cannot offer an opinion. I can speak about phlox because I have finally learned how to grow them better. Knock on wood but my current crop of +25 varieties is fungus free. They are not growing in the shade or against a woodland border. The soil is river alluvial in nature and sandy loam in most places. The land leeches some dampness from the adjacent river but it is never wet on the top and there is never any standing water even after a heavy rain. The slope of the land and the rise and flow of the close by river keeps a fairly steady air flow which keeps the plants dry. Together, these variables keep the area phlox-perfect.

If you chance to stop by Vermont Flower Farm, look down field from the parking area and then towards the river. The phlox are in full bloom now so they are easy to notice. Walk down and then tell me what you think. I think they are special!!

Writing from the mountain above Peacham Pond where a raven sits in the maple above the compost pile apparently telling friends what I just dumped on top. I doubt they will enjoy banana peals.

George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Flower Farm
On Facebook as Vermont Flower Farm and Gardens and also as George Africa
On Twitter as vtflowerfarm

Stop by and we'll help you grow your green thumb!
Phlox up top is Spinners

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Beware!!! Giant Hogweed

Thursday, August 4, 2011

New England news channels have recently reported on populations of Giant Hogweed in New Hampshire and New York. Vermont news has downplayed the presence of this invasive plant and state officials have asked for help tracking populations. It is interesting to me that this colony which I have pictured is growing on Route 2 in Marshfield, Vermont about 6 feet from the road which is traveled almost every day by the very people asking for help. The plant height is such that during bloom time it was very difficult to miss the giant white seed heads and thick stalks.

The leaves of the plant are giants too and their shape is a clear signal to the plant. Immature plants are still very large and the colony in this case should be of serious concern with it's size.

This next picture shows how the plant has spread down a bank and onto a private plateau perhaps 60 feet from a private home.

The plants produce prodigous amounts of seeds and plants in close proximity to brooks and streams use water flow as a natural form of dispersal. This colony is close to a tributary of the Winooski River.

The Internet has plenty of information of the toxicity of the plant which can cause extreme dermatological disturbances that are subcutaneous and require medical attention. Care should be taken to avoid this plant and colonies or single plants should be reported to agricultural entities dealing with invasive species. Special care should be taken with unsuspecting youth and gardeners who think they have found an interesting plant. The size certainly seems almost Jurassic in nature but the health risks involved with touching it without protection are bigger. Beware!! Learn about this plant and take appropriate action!

Writing from the mountain above Peacham Pond where the night is already dark, and sleep after a difficult day sounds very good.

George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Flower Farm
On Facebook as Vermont Flower Farm and Gardens and also as George Africa
On Twitter as vtflowerfarm

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Glorious Daylilies

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

57° here on the mountain. The black clouds of an hour ago have passed and bright sunlight is encouraging me to get to the nursery. So much to do lately I have not been able to keep up with writing. Daylilies probably were best this past weekend as the lack of rain has dried the fields and slowed flower size some. Just the same the colors have been special and we have received nice comments from visitors.

I have been tracking customers for years and arrived at 10% of our customer base as arriving from Maine. This year those visitors are mostly absent but Canadians are coming in larger numbers. They cannot take plants back across the border but they always remember to say thanks for the opportunity to walk the fields. That's always nice!

I'm heading down to the nursery in minutes. Michelle G will arrive in a while to help deadhead daylilies, water, weed--whatever is on the morning agenda. She is a good worker and mellows out in the fields of color listening to music and swatting an occasional bug. I agree that on days that I remember my music, even the tedious jobs like weeding seem to melt into the day.

I just came in from checking the bee hive and there are many new bees but I am still concerned about the prospects for winter survival. If you have missed previous posts, the hive was two days old when the floods of late May completely flooded it over. I brought it back here to the house and have been caring for it since. Bees are incredible creatures and these are apparently growing a bigger population. I sure hope the electric fence surrounding them keeps the black bear out that I saw two mornings ago down past the mailbox.

I have to get going here. If you are out and about today, please stop by for a visit. Gail has some nice hydrangeas coming into bloom and there are some smaller ginkos and witch hazels at good prices. Trees and shrubs are worthy investments for your properties.

Writing from the mountain above Peacham Pond where three loons with noisy voices just flew over--en route for the reservoir.

George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Flower Farm
On Facebook as Vermont Flower Farm and Gardens and also as George Africa
On Twitter as vtflowerfarm

Let us help you grow your green thumb!