I like to make the journey up to Peacham Bog at least once each spring but this year I have only thought about it. I got as far as the gravel pit road beyond the Nature Center but rethought the trip when the clouds of black flies seemed to get more intense. I had forgotten my head net and the can of bug dope seemed lacking by itself.
Just traveling in and about the beaver ponds above the Nature Center I could see that the wildflowers were in abundance. The False Solomon's Seal has never looked better and the spring rains have new seedlings springing up all over. I've seen some Arisaema triphyllum, Jack-in-the-Pulpit, that have to be record setting this year at almost 2 feet tall. Tiny Goldthread is everywhere, accentuated by bunchberries and wild sarsaparilla with its fireworks-like blooms.
The quiet of the woods after all this rain adds a peacefulness that makes me want to continue my journeys. Reminders of a scribbled garden "to-do" list laying in the rain on the outside potting table brings me back to reality.
Time to return to the nursery and try to make a few sales. Growing flowers is a labor of love. Walking the woods and enjoying the beauty is difficult to leave.
From the mountain above Peacham Pond.
Gardening wishes and hopes for sunshine!
George Africa
1 comment:
It is my understanding that goldthread is abundant and as useful as goldenseal. It is something I would like to identify and wildcraft for our family. DO you have any information? Do you sell wildflowers?
Sara Hopkins
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