Showing posts with label Americal Hosta Society. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Americal Hosta Society. Show all posts

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thursday Walkabout

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The day has ended here. Gail and I both left the nursery about 5:30 as late afternoon rain poured from the sky. It is much needed and although we received much less than we hoped for, the plants look refreshed.

Each morning as we arrive and each evening just before we leave, we take a quick walk around the nursery to see what we have forgotten to pick up or never accomplished as planned. We relocate plants that customers had second thoughts about and we pick up our own trash, weeds pulled but not picked up, wind cast plant tags, miscellaneous pieces of paper that escape from customers pockets as they scrounge for something to write an idea, a plant name, an addition to the grocery list on.

Here are some examples from today's walk. Come walk with us.

This year we purchased some Japanese lilacs for resale. We have enjoyed these for years on the sharp corner entering Plainfield and Goddard College from East Montpelier. These are hardy lilacs that can reach 30 feet if not pruned. The example I cite has 30 footers hanging over Route 2 where they offer a fragrance as a greeting to the small town and college. This is a later blooming lilac which comes after our James Macfarlane or even Miss Kim lilacs. Its fragrance lures a variety of insects and its near-white blooms provide attention getters from a distance. The one pictured up top was purchased when Hillcrest Nursery went out of business two years ago. I intend to keep this one pruned to hold at about 15 feet.

There are some nice Speedwells (just below) out there and this one is named 'Aztec Gold'. It has a nice little flower and it maintains low height. Yesterday Gail planned a very nice walkway combination for a customer from Danville. She included 'Aztec Gold', some tiarellas, and Hosta venusta placed in rows, 1-2-3, 1-2-3. The tiarellas will bloom first and the flowers of the other two will compliment each other.

Gail's friend, Mark from Claussens Greenhouses, Colchester, suggested we try Scaevola aemula, Fanflower, this year in hanging baskets. Word was that this plant accepts neglect by the "I forgot to water you" crowd and that description is right on. These turned out to be big hangers with lots of color and we are happy we tried them.

This morning I noticed Scabiosa columbaria 'Butterfly Blue' beginning to flower. Nice silver dollar sized flowers with plenty of detail at catch a butterfly's attention. They will be fun to look at in another year as they increase in flower scape numbers.

Daylilies continue to bloom. Today there were 10 in bloom including 'Celebrity Elite' pictured here. A similar red, 'Red Rum' also bloomed today and made quite a contrast against a backdrop of Jersey Spider and Spellbinder orange.

Siberian irises are coming to an end--not in the world of Siberian iris or in Vermont but at our nursery. There are hundreds and hundreds on the market but this one, 'Blue Moon' has lots of potential with contrasting flower colors. They all clump well and although they do best in damp soil, they will survive and prosper in the regular garden.

As I ended my tour and made it to the front, one of my favorite hostas, Hosta 'Alex Summers' caught my attention. Mr. Summers was the founder of the American Hosta Society and every time I see this hosta I express a silent gratitude for the great plant that hosta is. Gail took one of our old watering cans and slid it into a grouping of 'Alex Summer' hostas, Dicentra 'Gold Heart', a tatting fern and a few 'Celebrity Elite'. It is a nice little display which some contrasting textures and colors that are sure to please. Do you like it?

Writing from the mountain above Peacham Pond where Karl the Wonder Dog has finally gone to sleep after barking at every fishing boat that pulled its way up the hill from the pond. Thanks for "walking" with us. If you can find a few minutes tomorrow to stop by, we can walk together in person. I'd like that!

George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Flower Farm & Gardens where Hosta Days continues with some great sales
On Twitter as vtflowerfarm
On Facebook as Vermont Flower Farm and Gardens

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Things Change

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The first weekend of the new year is well under way. The wind has finally stopped and a little sun warms the January landscape. It's 22 degrees on the east side of the house where 17 blue jays, the largest collection this year, feed with greed on the platform feeder. They appear to be playing a game of who can stuff the most pieces of cracked corn in their crop at a time.

On the west side of the house the thermometer is holding at 12 degrees. Chickadees and white and red breasted nuthatches fly back and forth from the hanging feeder, eating some sunflower seeds and hiding others for later when the feeder is empty and the birdwatcher absent.

Days, months and years change. Some things are noticeable and others lead a camouflaged existence. For two days now I have worked on hosta pictures for our new website. It makes no sense to me why I have a hundred pictures of some hostas and not a single good picture of others. I just made a list and in the end of this website madness I hope to come away with a list of hostas I absolutely have to photograph this year. Sure wish I could find someone more diligent than I am. Photographic compatibility and interest within a family is apparently not the same as the compatibility alleged to be found using the on-line love match, E-Harmony. Oh well.......

One hosta I like is Fortunei Albopicta. I'm not certain there are many who admire it as I do but it has a place in my garden because spring in Vermont is very important to me. This hosta was first collected in Japan around 1860 but wasn't registered with the American Hosta Society until 1987. That means a lot of gardeners have had a chance to look at it over a long time.

Albopicta starts slowly, reaches incredible coloration and then fades into total greeness for the balance of the year. The last part is the part many people like the least. The picture up top shows it on the right with Abiqua Moonbeam on the left. The picture represents the time of greatest color change for the season.

When Albopicta breaks through the ground in the spring, fends off early frosts and first passes 5 inches in height, it looks frail and pale. This is an example (just above). But then as if a fairy wand gives it a couple-three twinkles of spice, it turns from toad to prince and really is an attention getter. I have always said that a hosta that would hold this color all year would be a great seller. Here are some examples. Click to enlarge.

In all too short a period of beauty, the display is over and Albopicta fades to all green. This gives reason for you to think where you place it in your garden so you benefit from the energetic mid spring color but can accept it for its summer-long dullness. It's size can be attractive but give it some thought. Here is a picture of Albopicta wearing its summer suit.

As new years begin, those who have made resolutions are put to a test. There's more revolution in me than resolution but I do hope that this year all gardeners can share themselves and their gardens with others who have yet to experience the peace there's not enough of in our world.

From the mountain above Peacham Pond where Gail is moving my Santa collection, one by one, into their annual retirement while a new pot of chili bubbles on the stove.

Safe wishes to all!

George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Gardens
Vermont Flower Farm