Saturday, February 28, 2010
Gail is in the other room still listening to tsunami news as I think about the weather and the world. Recent earthquakes in Haiti, China and now Chile stir geologic curiosity. I have heard of these events so probably others occurred someplace in the world.
Here in Vermont it has been snowing off and on all day. The flakes were those large, fluffy type that come down is great white-outs and then stop short for a while only to restart and add enough depth to make sweeping the steps imperative.
I noticed today on Twitter that several gardeners are mentioning lilies. These were a favorite at Vermont Flower Farm in pre-lily leaf beetle days but now we enjoy what are left in our gardens and keep a small library of images for people looking for a special image or to resolve a gardener's "discussion". It's sad not to be able to grow something so beautiful but the beetles are a serious critter and we refuse to use chemicals and don't know of an organic or insect alternative that works in this zone. Just the same, some gardeners continue to grow them and we enjoy seeing them.
Here are some pictures. If you have lily growing questions, write or call us. We still have answers, just not many lilies.
Here in Vermont it has been snowing off and on all day. The flakes were those large, fluffy type that come down is great white-outs and then stop short for a while only to restart and add enough depth to make sweeping the steps imperative.
I noticed today on Twitter that several gardeners are mentioning lilies. These were a favorite at Vermont Flower Farm in pre-lily leaf beetle days but now we enjoy what are left in our gardens and keep a small library of images for people looking for a special image or to resolve a gardener's "discussion". It's sad not to be able to grow something so beautiful but the beetles are a serious critter and we refuse to use chemicals and don't know of an organic or insect alternative that works in this zone. Just the same, some gardeners continue to grow them and we enjoy seeing them.
Here are some pictures. If you have lily growing questions, write or call us. We still have answers, just not many lilies.

As reference I like two books very much. I like Edward McRae's Lilies: A Guide for Growers & Collectors and I like George L. Slate's Lilies for American Gardens. McRae's book is readily available but you might have to look for the Slater book. 1939 by Charles Scribner's Son, New York and London. I found it at Flora & Fauna Nature and Garden Books, 3121 Government Way, Seattle, WA. I could get lost in thought.
Writing from the mountain above Peacham Pond where Karl the Wonder Dog snoozes by the wood stove, thinking springtime thoughts.
George Africa
Vermont Flower Farm
Writing from the mountain above Peacham Pond where Karl the Wonder Dog snoozes by the wood stove, thinking springtime thoughts.
George Africa
Vermont Flower Farm