Tuesday, June 28, 2011
51° and overcast this morning. The reds and pinks of the early morning sunrise have faded to gray, and slivers of light blue are beginning to show. Gail says "no rain today" but the morning just has that feel about it that we have become accustomed to. We have both been out once with Karl the Wonder Dog who heard neighbor Michelle and her dog Jelly and wanted a second walk. Dogs like to socialize too, even in early morning hours when people are still wiping sleep from their eyes and spilling coffee.
Yesterday was one of those days where everything kind of fell apart before it started. Gail and I loaded the car and truck and prepared to head for the nursery. I took a quick look at Gail's car and a rear tire was pancake like. We switched vehicles and I began changing the flat. I headed straight to the garage thinking this would be an easy fix but everyone else had morning troubles and the morning wait was 3 hours. I grabbed an appointment for tomorrow and will have a rear wheel bearing replaced at the same time. Got back to the nursery and found that worker bee Michael called and had to take a family car in that had morning problems too. By then it was 11 and the morning had been rearranged three times. That happens with everyone, not just gardeners.
I continue to replant the hosta display garden and will be down there working this morning. The hostas that survived the flood do not look good as they are coated with some gray film. I guess if I had ten feet of water from who knows where washing over me for hours upon hours, I wouldn't look all that good either. Big John is still flattened and the magnificent Bressingham Blue, Elegans and Bigfoot are not up to speed yet. This was supposed to be the year the garden would be promoted but I cannot in good faith even encourage customers and visitors to walk down and see something that needs so much attention. Just the same people go and return to say it doesn't look that mysterious after all. Eye of the beholder I think.
Summer is a time when I like a good creamy or a homemade ice cream in a sugar cone. I have been so busy I haven't had either. I think Gail and Alex have cheated on me a little and have stopped someplace but won't fess up. Bragg Farm Sugarhouse in East Montpelier has a very good maple creamy and Artesano in Groton has a handmade maple ice cream named Munson's Maple that is out of this world. Artesano makes some wonderful meads too but their ice creams get us through and will help you too. Recently they made batches of Strawberries and Cream and also Rhubarb, both with local produce. Small batches means the customer has to keep track of availability and sometimes their Facebook page tells what they're making. Sometimes it means you also have to drive right down or face possible disappointment because people like to brag about savoring the last cone or dish of an ice cream that will not reappear until next week or next season. Artesano is open Thursday through Sunday and also holiday Mondays so you have to temper your desire with a different schedule too.
As for hostas, there's a very nice small hosta named Ice Cream. It has nice color and grows well. It's good for a front-of-the-garden position and is likely to be something that a friend will ask for a piece of. Hosta are known as the friendship plant and a hosta or an unusual ice cream flavor can form a strong bond. I like hostas and ice cream!
Writing from the mountain above Peacham Pond where Mrs Deer stood outside my office window looking in, chewing on a daylily leaf and swatting flies. Loons have been talking at the pond and reservoir since 4:00 and their conversations are loud. I have to get going!
George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Flower Farm
On Facebook as Vermont Flower Farm and Gardens and also as George Africa
On Twitter as vtflowerfarm
At VFF we'll help you grow your green thumb--for free!!
Yesterday was one of those days where everything kind of fell apart before it started. Gail and I loaded the car and truck and prepared to head for the nursery. I took a quick look at Gail's car and a rear tire was pancake like. We switched vehicles and I began changing the flat. I headed straight to the garage thinking this would be an easy fix but everyone else had morning troubles and the morning wait was 3 hours. I grabbed an appointment for tomorrow and will have a rear wheel bearing replaced at the same time. Got back to the nursery and found that worker bee Michael called and had to take a family car in that had morning problems too. By then it was 11 and the morning had been rearranged three times. That happens with everyone, not just gardeners.
I continue to replant the hosta display garden and will be down there working this morning. The hostas that survived the flood do not look good as they are coated with some gray film. I guess if I had ten feet of water from who knows where washing over me for hours upon hours, I wouldn't look all that good either. Big John is still flattened and the magnificent Bressingham Blue, Elegans and Bigfoot are not up to speed yet. This was supposed to be the year the garden would be promoted but I cannot in good faith even encourage customers and visitors to walk down and see something that needs so much attention. Just the same people go and return to say it doesn't look that mysterious after all. Eye of the beholder I think.
Summer is a time when I like a good creamy or a homemade ice cream in a sugar cone. I have been so busy I haven't had either. I think Gail and Alex have cheated on me a little and have stopped someplace but won't fess up. Bragg Farm Sugarhouse in East Montpelier has a very good maple creamy and Artesano in Groton has a handmade maple ice cream named Munson's Maple that is out of this world. Artesano makes some wonderful meads too but their ice creams get us through and will help you too. Recently they made batches of Strawberries and Cream and also Rhubarb, both with local produce. Small batches means the customer has to keep track of availability and sometimes their Facebook page tells what they're making. Sometimes it means you also have to drive right down or face possible disappointment because people like to brag about savoring the last cone or dish of an ice cream that will not reappear until next week or next season. Artesano is open Thursday through Sunday and also holiday Mondays so you have to temper your desire with a different schedule too.
As for hostas, there's a very nice small hosta named Ice Cream. It has nice color and grows well. It's good for a front-of-the-garden position and is likely to be something that a friend will ask for a piece of. Hosta are known as the friendship plant and a hosta or an unusual ice cream flavor can form a strong bond. I like hostas and ice cream!
Writing from the mountain above Peacham Pond where Mrs Deer stood outside my office window looking in, chewing on a daylily leaf and swatting flies. Loons have been talking at the pond and reservoir since 4:00 and their conversations are loud. I have to get going!
George Africa
The Vermont Gardener
Vermont Flower Farm
On Facebook as Vermont Flower Farm and Gardens and also as George Africa
On Twitter as vtflowerfarm
At VFF we'll help you grow your green thumb--for free!!